This is a professional hex editor for manipulating binary files, disk drives, and system processes. It offers full basic functionality to edit the contents of binary files. It provides many extended functionality to edit the contents of disk drives and processes. It also supplies some powerful tools to make the hex-byte editing and the data-pattern analysis quick and easy.
Features :
Powerful hex editor
View, search, and edit any file of any size on your disk drives easily and quickly. Import/export C, HTML and formatted text. Convert hex to dec or dec to hex.
Featured Disk and Process Editor
Find in disk/drive and process. Find and repair problems with disk drives and processes. Manage critical disk sectors with predefined templates.
Advanced Template Technology
Allow any binary file to be mapped with a hierarchical list of variables that could be understood and edited in a much easier fashion.
Efficient Data Analyze and Edit
Analyze and edit binary files with powerful tools, such as: Find, Replace, Find in Files, Compare Files, Bookmark, etc.
Essential Data Presentation
Present and interpret data according to the most essential conditions.
Text Editing Mode Support
toggle editing mode between Text and Hex. Support C/C++, HTML, PHP, ASP, JScript, etc. Support syntax coloring, code outlining and line indenting.
Extra Useful Tools
A base converter for converting large integer between bases 2 through 36. Three calculators for generating checksum, CRC-value and hash-value on either entire file or selection.
Windows Vista Support; In-place browse and edit; drives plug-play; WYSIWYG effect output; HTML online help, and more!.